Between Skyscraper Atolls

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#posts #poetry

vast vague humanoid machines
plunge deep into gloom and glide;
each elbow engine oil encased;
each articulated camera swivelling,
scanning sea beds for patterns.

Pilot transmissions chitter:
'Circle back, synergy is lacking
due to organisational priorities'
'Affirmative. I'll put time in
your calendar.' 'Let's regroup'

Remnant artefact search delayed.
Amber distilled in convex steel
rising above concave waves.

To the horizon then,
to mornings combing in
brine and tides, where
sunlight twists and twirls
describing in dance steps
buried avenues, unfamiliar signs
once useful wheeled machines
abandoned to salt, rust
and the continual swirl
and sway of hushed depths.

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