About me

I've been writing for awhile, starting with plays before moving onto short stories. I now mostly focus on poetry, scrawl over newspapers to make erasure poems and generally mess around with words. My poetry tends to narrative and image driven, often surreal and strange. I'm also a spoken word artist, performing my work as much as possible in person.

This website is my blog, my small piece of land on the internet and a place where I tinker and mess around.

Apart from writing, I like growing plants, playing on the Switch and going to new and interesting places.

Here's what's going on with me right now.

Here's the tools I use to make this site and write.


My work has been published in many different magazines including Neon Magazine, Feral Poetry and Welcome to Bear Creak. I've been lucky enough to have work nominated for the Forward prize, Best of the Net and the Pushcart prize. Here's a full list of my publications.

I've got two poetry pamphlets out, as well as other books. My first poetry pamphlet, Our Voices in the Chaos, was published by Selcouth Station in October 2019. I self published a second tiny pamphlet in October 2020 called Refraction.

I have a number of other books available, including three that are free to download. Go here to browse and download.


I love performing my work, bringing a different element to the poetry. I've had feature sets at Fen Speak, Bristol Tonic and internationally at (sm)art festival 2022.


You can follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Or you can contact me here. I'm available for readings, commissions or anything else.