Announcing Emergence - A Poetry Pamphlet
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#posts #publicationsA few years ago, I stumbled on an article about the idea of panpsychicism where consciousness is a part of everything. In this theory, the face we can think and dream is an emergent property of the universe itself. I'm not sure I fully believe this theory, but something about it stuck with me.
Now, three or four year later I've written a little poetry pamphlet around the theme. It's called Emergence and has twenty poems dealing with the thoughts and dreams of atoms, hives, humans and the cosmos. Writing the poems was also an excuse to experiment with form, so I had fun with formatting the poems to reflect the content. It's very much a project that needs to be on the page. I've enjoyed creating a physical book after making Reality Adjustments.
Here's the cover:

A huge thanks to Barry Hollow and Stanley Iyanu who read a previous version of the pamphlet and gave feedback. It's taken a long time to get to the final stage and they both helped me clarify and edit the sprawling mess of poems.
It's available to pre order now here. It costs £7 plus postage, with 30 copies available. I hope to ship them out by 12th September.
I hope you enjoy it.
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