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#posts #erasure poetry

erasure poem: Sounds twist/ begin to congeal./The sky speeds/becomes scattershot/and restless

Taken from Crack Magazine, April 2022.

  • I was delighted to be asked onto the Full House Literary Podcast talking about poetry and mental health. It was a thought provoking, interesting discussion that was quite wide ranging. Thanks so much to them for having me on, listen here.

  • Speaking of poetry, I'm volunteering at Lyra Festival in Bristol over the next couple of weeks. It looks to be a really fascinating series of events, I'm also competing in the slam. If you'd like to come along to the qualifying rounds you can sign up on zoom here.

  • After swearing never to do it again, I've given this site another spruce up. I replaced my creaking, stapled together code with theme called Minimal Mistakes and I'm a lot happier with it. I've also spruced up my notes pages to make them more legible and removed all analytics. I don't have any comments on the pages either so now the only way to contact me is by email. A bit of a spring clean of my digital footprint. I'm pleased with this latest evolution of the site, it's much more how I wanted it to be.

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