Free From Distortion

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#posts #erasure poetry

Taken from a old New Yorker, no idea which issue.

A few bits of news:

  • I made a really strange puzzle page for the latest issue of Welcome to Bear Creek. Thanks so much to them. The whole issue is strange and beautiful, go check it out.

  • Sam Cavender (who shot the headshot on my home page) took this crazy UV portrait of me in a park. (We were socially distant at all times.) He is an actual wizard:

Check out his photography here.

  • I've been reading out my pamphlet Refraction over on my Instagram. It's been a lot of fun! I've enjoyed revisiting the poems and making something new out of them. I've also released the pdf for free. Download it here.

It's released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, so please share, remix, add or alter it if you want. It's yours.

It's free but if you want to buy me a coffee it would be much appreciated, but is by no means essential.

If you prefer a physical version, I've got a handful of copies left if you want one, available at my shop. Thanks to everyone who has bought one so far.

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