September 2020 Links

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#posts #link round up

When I ported this site over and recoded it, I looked through old posts. In 2016 I made monthly link posts where I recommended things I enjoyed. Later, I moved this to a now defunct newsletter.[^1] I thought I would bring back recommendations, changing the format a little bit. So here are some things I've enjoyed.


Blair Braverman On Getting Rejected a Lot (and Liking It). This is excellent advice that I feel I learn over and over again. Worth reading and refreshing.


I finally got round to reading Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge, which I somehow had missed until now. Essential reading for everyone living in the UK, this is a passionate and articulately argument against pur racist society and structures.


After working sixty hours again for what reason By Bob Hicok. An unusual, powerful poem, similar to Catch 22 in its circular logic of bureaucracy.


The Golden House is a mini series from Ross Sutherland of the excellent Imaginary Advice podcast. A tech company is uploading episodes as a PR exercise, but it's clear they are hiding things. What's really great about this series is the hidden codes that lead to other recordings. These change the messages in the original. It's fiendishly clever and a lot of fun.


The ever mighty Mogwai have released a live album that is pay what you want. It helped remind me of this track, which deserves to be played very loud.

[^1]: Apologies to the five people who read it.

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