Time's gone weird

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#posts #plague notes

I have a fancy new profile picture thanks to Sam Cavender and his restored Mayima. Oooh medium format expired film. It makes me want to dig out my film cameras again

It was taken after the Lyra Festival slam last Saturday. So only a week ago but it feels like forever. A lot has happened since then. There's been so much rapid change to our way of life that time has expanded, so a day feels like a week and a week feels like a year.

I'm adapting best I can. I'm lucky in that both my girlfriend and I can work from home and live in a city where we have access to food and supplies. Still, it's a major disruption to the whole of society so I think it's going to feel strange for some time.

My point is: look after yourself as much as possible in these unprecedented times. Maybe start journaling, exercise or meditation, all things that have helped me with my mental health in the past. Connect with friends virtually. Or take some time to feel weird about it all, however that manifests for you. This crisis is going to affect everyone mentally and emotionally. Even if you think you are mentally healthy and resilient, it's important to make sure you are checking in with yourself and doing constructive things to help, whatever that may be.

Here's a good article by Josie George, who has a chronic illness meaning she has spent most of her time inside. It focuses on the mental resilience needed and I found it very useful. There's also this podcast from conversations Against Living Miserably which has some useful tips.

Stay inside, wash your hands and stay safe and healthy. We'll get through this.

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