NaPoWriMo 2019 day 21

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Plane trails cross the sky,
thin lines from one hub to another

Small boats over the ocean
drag the same white trails behind.

On a blank page, write out the names
of everyone you've ever known
even passing acquaintances and colleagues
you haven't said a single word to.
Then draw lines of connection.
You will have a map of the cosmos
and a diagram of an molecule.

From above at night, the cities
towns, villages and roads are glowing
cells and veins. Grids are subsumed.
From above, the ground is a pictograph
of the inside of your skull.

One strike sends sharp signals
to everyone. We all twitch and flinch.

Somewhere within the network, you
are a single synapse, one electrical
spark dragging connection in its wake.

All the poems I wrote last year are available as an ebook for free. It's called Lost in April Fog and you can download it here.

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