NaPoWriMo 2018 Day 24

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"I can't eat this bread!" he cried,
"There's too many chemicals!
Too many strange compounds,
far too many unknowns
crawling in the crust
swarming in the dough."

"Food is all chemicals!" he yelled,
"Nothing is pure! Not even
orange juice- it's a lie!
Avoid eating altogether!

As for human beings,
best to avoid completely.
All filled with bacteria-
walking disease factories!
All continually colliding
and combining in strange
and frightful ways."

"Shun the sun!" he screamed.
"Radioactive elemental creator!
It's all too complex.
Wheres the pure elements?
Give me Hydrogen
maybe Helium. No molecules
whatsoever. Give me
the universe seconds after
the big bang, a simple
cloud expanding into
emptiness. Nothing more."

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