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erasure poem: Sounds twist/ begin to congeal./The sky speeds/becomes scattershot/and restless

Reality Adjustments

Today I'm releasing an interactive poetry pamphlet called Reality Adjustments. It's a surreal dive into a city that is always changing, with mutating streets, strange jobs and one or two apocalypses There are different paths to follow, multiple different endings and elements that change depending on where you have been before.


You imagined | a field transmuted | into endless red bricks.
You | hammered a sign | into the soil and | walked away.
Now we carve | out mud and sand | mix and bake together
earth | into our inferno | churn the loose | ground into cubes
make straight | lines out of leaves | that only want to curve.
You | had a simple idea | thought a while | and called it a city.
We are the ones | who stacked the | ground on top of itself,
who | spun streets from | the threads of | the slip breeze.
And when this | empty space has | been alchemically set
into | a new epicentre | of industry and | fearful commerce
there will be no | monument to all | of our cracked hands
that | struggled against | nature to lay out | these streets.
Our fingerprints | will instead be | embedded into concrete
the | echo of our voices | will be audible | in every room.

I wrote the first draft of this at Bristol Tonic, in the half time. The prompt was 'We built this city'.

2022 February Input

February has flown by on gales and storms. I've been really busy, performing two feature sets for Fen Speak and (Sm)art Festival, which were wonderful. I also applied and got a new job, turned 34 and spent too many hours lost in Hyrule. Phew. As a consequence of all this real life business, the things I have consumed have been limited.

Monochrome Memories

erasure poem: Elsewhere, the ghost lingers/forever in black and white/ contorted beyond recognition./But over time it welcomes stillness

2022 January Input

In the early days of this blog (5 years and almost 400 posts ago) I used to do monthly roundups. I've fallen out of the practice but have decided to revive it for this year, having been inspired byJason Kottke and others. After all, what is a personal website for if not for my ill informed opinions on popular culture? So here is the media I have consumed for January 2022.

Accumulated Weight

erasure poem: at the start of a new year/ you carry remnants/of endless mystery

Books of 2021

Last year I got through 65 books. (I've kept a list here) Because I'm not really using GoodReads anymore, I thought I would curate a few of my highlights:

2021 in Review: Who knows anything anymore?

Yet again, I sit down to summarize the year gone by and yet again I find myself struggling for words. It has been another year of chaos and contradiction, of pandemic and freedom, of confusion and connection. As I write, I am ill with COVID 19, somewhat inevitably being hit by omicron. Of course, I am lucky enough to be vaccinated, so I have avoided the worst of it. I started the year in lockdown and end it in isolation. Inbetween have been moments of connection and moments of joy.

Lost to Fog

erasure poem: from the north/ an otherworldly haze./These days, out of focus/ expand in unpredictable directions/ and there are moments/lost to discord

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