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erasure poem: In the silence/ I am weightless/ lost in the clouds


erasure poem: The universe is flux/ unrecognisable between transformations

July 2022 Input

In July I caught covid again, possibly for the third time. I'm not a fan of this illness! But it did mean I suddenly had a lot of time on my hands to consume media, so this edition is extra long.


erasure poem: Between the coastline's back and forth: Wave's crashing and existential freedom

June 2022 Input

Summer is here and I am wilting. This month I went out to a couple of gigs and loved it. I have missed live music, especially during the pandemic.


Our days are longest now, we hold the light
solid between our fingers, like putty,
before twirling, once more unstoppable.
These are days we dream of deep in winter,
when we are banished in eternal night.
These are days suffused with strange rare magicks,
when our flame bodies flicker translucent.
We manifest what we will. Morning sparks
alchemical. Our fingertips bristle.
Play the music! Let us unite as one
before the world tips inevitably
back towards the shortening hours of sun.
How precious these illuminated days.
How soon, like warm embers, they start to fade.

May 2022 Input

May went so fast. It was a fallow period creatively for me, I put nothing on this blog and didn't send any poems out. I hid away from the flags and jingoism. But I did leave plague island for the first time in ages and took a trip to Porto, which was delightful. I also met my newly born nephew, so a pretty good month.

April 2022 Input

I can't believe we are a third of the way through 2022. The tulips have bloomed and died back, warmer days are just around the corner. I haven't done a lot of writing due to life being busy but I did quit Twitter, so maybe in the future I will have more time.

What a Racket

erasure poem: The synaptic impulses/of the machine/ loop and clatter/ convey interminable emotions

2022 March Input

March was another busy month as I adjusted to my new job and did lots of wedding admin. I also prepped and published a weird little game/ poetry pamphlet about being lost in an everchanging city, which you can find more about here.

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