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Suspended Animation

During the second spring,
gorse opened exploratory
canary buds, lending
a perfume of coconut
to apathetic winds.

November 2022 Input

November rattled by. I thought I was going to read more due to the dark days and frost but actually I went to a lot of gigs and generally enjoyed myself. And here in Bristol, the frost only started in December. Here's what I did read and consume.


Her morning started with misty adolescent mooncore.

Slowing Down

After I got married at the end of September, I went on honeymoon to Croatia. It was bliss- two weeks of lying on the beach, reading books and occasionally swimming. Now of course I'm back to real life with all the admin and bills to pay.

Lost Levels

erasure poem: Unravelling in the uncanny valley/ a twinkling sense of unease sets in./ I shuffle into the landscape

October 2022 Input

I was on honeymoon in Croatia for the start of October, so I relaxed on a beach and read loads of books. It was great. It got me back into reading a lot more. Now as it gets colder all I want to do is to hunker down with good books.

October's Oxidation

Drains are clogged with circuit boards again.
Flurries of rust flakes carpet the streets.
All the air tastes of wet pennies. Every
polished gear and lever is corroding fast
under the pressures of time. Gutters, pipes
peel off houses and droop. Children swing
rivets on strings, laugh in modem screeches.
Pull on your coat. Leave the Geiger counter
on the kitchen side. Let's walk together,
despite this antifreeze rain, feel the crunch
and pop of ball bearings beneath our feet.
Down in the landfill, bottles of bleach
are waiting for spring to erupt and bloom.

Resignation- A Coupling

I came into office
because in my possession was an ancient grimoire,
at a time of great economic and international instability
from which a few will profit, the system working as it should.
Families and businesses were worried about
being suspended over a bottomless chasm with sharp teeth;
about how to pay their bills;
about flesh chewed down by ice, no help forthcoming.

A Small Truth

erasure poem: Everyone is infinite/ and whispering divine tender chaos

2022 August and September Input

September was almost entirely dedicated to wedding planning and admin. All our hard work paid off though, as the day was incredibly beautiful and full of immense happiness. I’m still overflowing from joy from the day, and had a relaxing, necessary honeymoon with my wife. It was amazing and still doesn’t feel fully real. I feel so very lucky.

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