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Creative Anxieties: Fear of not writing enough

This blog post is late. I was meant to write it last week, but life got it the way, as it always seems to do. It's not just this week's though; the self-imposed schedule I imposed at the start of the year has slowly slipped away. This, inevitably, leads to guilt and worry. More specifically, I always feel like I'm not writing enough. I need to produce more. When I do write, it never feels like enough.

It's not just me though. Have a look at this thread from Rebecca Williams about the constant guilt and pressure she feels to continue writing:

30 things I don't know at 30

There's a certain kind of article you stumble across now and then which consists of important things people have learnt about life. Usually these are linked to a milestone age, like 50, or 10,000 days on Earth. Lists of advice that seems wise and sage and the accumulation of years of study. This is not one of those articles.

Making it up as you go: Twin Peaks and Welcome to Nightvale

Spoilers ahead

Advice to Myself: Writing and Resolutions

At the start of the year, we tend to set goals and resolutions. This year is going to be the year I start eating healthy, the year I finally learn guitar or the year I start running. Then, inevitably, around this time every year, most of the resolutions are discarded or broken. Maybe they never even started.

Best of 2017

Much like I did last year, I thought I'd take some time to linger on what I enjoyed this year. I've already written up my thoughts on the terrible events in politics. This will be much more positive.

2017 in Review: Laughing at the Naked Emperor

So the year isn't technically over yet. There's still a good couple of weeks for things to go completely south. I'm travelling first thing next year so I thought I'd get my year in review in early.

Flash Fiction: The Problems of Renting

Hello? This is Frank. I came in yesterday to pick up the keys for flat 65. OK? I don't see why you have to look it up on the computer, it was only yesterday. I didn't speak to one of your colleagues, no, I spoke to you. I remember you. Blonde hair. You were doing your nails. I came by about 3 pm?

What I learned on my break

It's been a while, hasn't it? How are you? Are you still doing that thing with them and everything else? Oh really? Good to hear.

Lies, Dreaming

I'm delighted to feature again on the latest Lies, Dreaming podcast from the brilliant people at Poetry as Fuck. It's a small little story about lost treasure. I hope you like it, let me know what you think! Find the podcast at the link below.

Taking a Break

I'm currently in the business of moving across the country. I'm packing up my whole life into boxes. Every time I move I forget how all consuming and stressful it is. Foolishly, I thought I could carry on writing this blog whilst I was moving. Clearly, I was wrong. I've had no time to write at all. Life has got in the way.

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