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January sunset

Early Swim

New serial book announcement- This Was Meant to be the Future

Blimey, it's the year Twenty Twenty, a year that sounds incredibly futuristic. We're past the setting of Blade Runner. The world is different and weirder in ways we couldn't imagine before.


Bedminster Lantern Parade

It's my 200th post on this here website! Hurrah!

2019: books of the year

In 2019, I read 66 books, but a lot were poetry chapbooks or graphic novels. You can see most of the list on my GoodReads page if you want.

2019: year of contradictions

I'm late to the party with my year wrap up. It's already the roaring twenties. [^1] But I still think it is worth looking at where we have been so we can look to the future.

We're here

John Green's podcast The Anthropocence Reviewed has been a consistent highlight this year, but the latest episode on Auld Lang Syne is particularly moving. The reworking of the song and reclamation of it is joyous.

Merry Christmas Everyone

A walk in the woods

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