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Free Books

I've made a couple of my self published books free to download.
There's Amber Stars: One Night of Stories, which is my first book of linked stories and Remain Vigilant which is two one act plays in the same world. Lost in April Fog, my Napowrimo poems from 2018 was free before but I've offered direct links and removed the need to go through the shop. All are in PDF, Mobi (for Kindles) and ePub (for everything else).

All the books have now been changed to Creative Commons licences so feel free to distribute and remix them if you so wish.

I've seen a few people offer up free books during the pandemic. I've wanted to do this for a little while, so this was the prompting I needed. They will all remain free after as well, this isn't a limited time thing.

Hope you enjoy.

The Oracle

Forgive me, I have lost my lexicon
of the future. Now I search the tangled
entropy of brambles and bindweed.
Nothing useful emerges, only woodlice.

Quick thoughts on editing

From Warren Ellis' excellent newsletter[^1]




I joined a Facebook group [^1] which has daily prompts. This one was written in response to the prompt: "How do you click: Write a poem filled with noise" poem.

Time's gone weird

I have a fancy new profile picture thanks to Sam Cavender and his restored Mayima. Oooh medium format expired film. It makes me want to dig out my film cameras again

Truth Bombs

This is the third story in a series I’m publishing monthly throughout 2020. More details here.

Reasons to stay at home

So we're socially isolated for the foreseeable. It's a weird time, but I've been amazed by how people are being incredibly generous. There is so much kindness out there from everyone despite the uncertainty. Here are some things I've come across that you may enjoy while distancing from others that may help you feel connected or entertained.

Contributor copy

It's always nice getting a contributor copy, especially for something you would have purchased anyway. This little book flew over the Atlantic for me, I'm looking forward to reading it.

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