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Ego Death on the M4

I am driving home at night
hands gripping the wheel
empty tarmac surrounding me
fertiliser stinging my nostrils
The engine shaking all the space
between my scattered atoms

Three Tips to Declutter Your Life

I love performing poetry at open mics and often write poems specifically for performance. This poem is one that is written for the stage, not the page. I read at Satellite of Love's wonderful open mic recently and Barry Hollow was kind enough to film it.


erasure poem: Beneath melancholy distorted joy/the complex emotions/shift constantly

A Manifesto for Art as Self Care

I've been thinking a lot about creative 'rules' and how arbituary they are. As it's the new year, I've been wondering where I want to take my poetry and my creativity and have decided I want to do it for its own sake. I want to focus more on the wellbeing aspects of writing and making things rather than the end result.

Finding Out

erasure poem: By playing/our human senses capture/a rare glimpse into the cryptic world/ outside the temporal realm

The forecast sighs

Amber and scarlet triangles describe
the island. These winding lanes

2023 in Review: Personal reflections

Once again I closed off last year and started the new one by filling out a year compass booklet. Although the years are arbitrary, I find this time to reflect and reset immensely valuable.

2023 in review: Poisoning the Well

2023 was another year of unnecessary wars and suffering, with Russia and Ukraine rumbling on with no end in sight. Israel responded to a terrorist attack with maximum aggression against civilians, seeking vengeance against an oppressed population. It's hard to focus on the positives when the news seems so relentlessly bleak and when history repeats itself so frequently. Collectively, we never seem to learn the lessons of the past.

Return to Me

Once again, you find yourself barefoot,
toes buried in eroded stone, your steps
hesitant, sinking. You stand at the edge
of your island, listening to my breathing,
the crash and retreat, the regular shingle
sigh, the dance of a million small particles
rearranging themselves in new patterns.
The sun is already setting, elongating
your shadow, making me shimmer gold and
jewel tipped. You breathe in my salt air.

Lost the Path

erasure poem: Where are we?/ Echoes from nowhere are strangely comforting/ this place feels forever familiar.

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