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The Garden

Surrounded by the long grass swaying in the breeze, the office seemed forever away. Helen could hear the gentle babbling of a stream somewhere nearby. Far up in the sky, a bird of prey hovered, looking for dinner. She felt the warmth of the golden sun on her face. She needed this.

Productivity in a Crisis

From the always excellent Laurie Penny writing in Wired:



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Show and Tell

Miss Morris asked us to bring something special
in and talk about it in front of the class
for everyone else to share and enjoy
and so in this cardboard box I have brought
the first rays of morning and if I open it
this classroom, with its peeling walls,
its desks engraved with cramped insults
and declarations of love from children
who have now become adults, its blutacked
posters of the alphabet, all we can see will
transform into gold and all our eyes will
glitter and all the dust in the spaces
between us will dance and twirl in the light.

Half Life

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