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A Breath

Red Ink: Pascal Vine

This a series where I interview poets about their process and writing in reference to a single poem. Today we have Pascal Vine, an excellent poet, a captivating performer and part of the team over at Bristol Tonic. He is discussing a poem he has performed for years.

In bloom

I cannot look away from the whorl of galaxies
tucked into each curled petal, the supermassive
black hole that sits on top of a stamen, dragging
all light and time towards it. In the pint glass
sepals shimmer with the burning of millions of dead
stars, buds flicker with a pulse of decaying planck
seconds, the superpositions of many possible worlds
blur each leaf and thorn and somewhere in each bloom
I am meeting you for the first time, walking around
the castle, studying in Birmingham, waiting to be
born, dying, watching a bouquet, unable to stay still,
unable to look away from the constant, dizzying spin.


Skeleton Trees


2020: A Playlist

I'm going to be featured in an upcoming anthology from Fevers of the Mind. The editor, David L O'Nan, asked for suggestions for a playlist of the music of 2020 whilst he was compiling it. So although last year is receding fast[^1] , here are some songs that I enjoyed.

Call it what it is

Due to the sickening events of yesterday in the USA, I found myself thinking back to when I was studying Weimar Germany in A level history. My main question at the time was 'Did no one realise what was happening?' The answer is of course people did, but it was ignored by the leaders. By the time any action was taken it was too late.


So Long 2020

Usually at the end of the year I write a little summary of what happened in the world at large. (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.) This year I really struggled. How do you summarise what has happened this year, other than a absence? It's been terrible in so many ways. The pandemic has turned everything on it's head and thousands of people have died unnecessarily through our government's inaction. Let alone all the other problems that this virus has highlighted as deep rifts within our society.

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