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The Power of Interlinking

In a recent post, Austin Kleon writes about how other writers sort through their work:

Red Ink: Stuart Buck

This is a series where I interview poets about their process in regards to a single poem. Today we have the exceptional Stuart Buck, a brilliant poet, illustrator and editor of the very strange and wonderful Bear Creek Gazette. Here is a poem from his new collection, Blue the Green Sky

Never Finishing

I enjoyed Cory Doctorow writing about the lessons he has learned over twenty years of blogging. He describes how quickly the writing practise adds up and how useful it is as an external memory:

Dream Days

erasure poem: trapped in fantasy. Days passed, rumbling in fragments

Do we get political now?

you ask me, sitting on the smashed roof tiles
and concrete slabs that used to be our home.
We are drinking rainwater and petrol
from a puddle, drying our t-shirts
on the newly exposed wire foundations.
We watch the sky flash orange and violet,
feel the rumbles deep inside our ribcages.




we teach the AI how              we scream
feed it all our voices           alone
release all our agony            our grief
our childhood trauma             buried fears
our compressed nightmares        absorbed
into passive microphones         into the night

it runs iterations so fast it echoes back Our grunts our exhalations distorted an angelic choir united strange harmony

Written during a Red Sky Session with Apples and Snakes, this was a response to a music loop by Bellatix.

Red Ink: Elizabeth McGeown

This is a series where I interview poets about their process in regards to a single poem. Today we have the fantastic Elizabeth McGeown, who I have been lucky enough to meet at various poetry nights over zoom in the last year.

Journal entry

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