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Free speech, Twitter and 'So You've Been Publicly Shamed'

Free speech is hard, especially on the internet. You should have the ability to say almost anything without fear of legal repercussion. Other than words that actively harm people, like shouting fire in a crowded room, or death threats, you should be able to say any stupid stuff you like. The beauty of free speech is that if you say something objectionable or offensive, people can argue with you and say you were out of line.

Ponyo and Adaptation

Ponyo is a joyous film, a celebration of childhood and youth with beautiful visuals. It's pure joy from start to finish, with inventive twists and a unique style. Generally, Studio Ghibli films are among some of my favourites because of the rambling yet emotional stories that feel very different to any other film. This film is no exception, with a wide ranging plot involving prehistoric fish and mysterious spirits of the sea.

June Links - No Politics, I Promise

Always more to learn: Thoughts on 'Wonderbook'

I've finished reading Wonderbook: The Illustrated Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction by Jeff Vandermeer. It's a great read, full of useful information and exercises. Mostly, it is a nuts and bolts guide to stories and their various elements, characters, plotting, but the way it presented and the advice it gives about the imagination make it truly unique.

A short play not at all inspired by recent events

I wrote this for More in Common from the Royal Court, which is well worth checking out. It was written fairly quickly so it's not perfect.

Brexit and the story we have been told

Given the clusterfuck that is happening in the UK at the moment, I'm probably going to be doing a few more political posts in the future. Just a heads up as I try work out what the hell is going on through words. I understand it is much, much more complex than I can do justice to, but this is just one take on it

Love, not hate

On Saturday, some wanker walked into a nightclub in Orlando and killed 50 people with a rifle, injuring many others. It was an act of hate against the LGBTQ community and a disgusting act of violence and terror. People were understandably shocked and deeply affected by the news.

A Knock on the door

I wrote this in response to a prompt over at It's a bit rough, but I hope you enjoy

Feeding my writing through a digital shredder

About a year ago, I got frustrated with my writing and decided to mess around with my first drafts and discarded attempts at stories. They had been languishing on my hard drive for years. I wasn't publishing them and they weren't being seen by anyone. To be honest, most of the stories just weren't very good.

May Link Round-up

Another month gone already. It feels like no time at all since I wrote my last link roundup, but here we are again. This month I've mostly been reading The Bone Clocks & Wonderbook, but in between there's been a number of good articles.

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